2D Design: Selections

Madison Mackay / Yimin Que / Jared Strizver / Samantha Warn


Student Name: Madison Mackay

Title of Piece: “Realistic Collage”

Medium: Graphite, watercolor, and ink on paper

Dimensions: 18” x 24”

Artist Statement: This piece was a bit of a challenge. We had to collage together different pictures from a newspaper and put it on a small piece of paper. From there we were asked to blow up this image and draw it on a bigger scale.

Bio: I am a freshman at Clark College and have always had a passion for art. My creative process usually starts by getting inspiration from Pinterest, and from there usually a lot of trial and error. My goals after Clark are to go to a university and see if I can make a career in art.

Course: ART103, Drawing I

Professor: Ben Rosenberg



Student Name: Yimin Que

Title of Piece: “Marvelous Ocean in Love”

Medium: Pen on paper

Dimensions: 14” x 17”

Artist Statement: This is a non-representational drawing using only lines. It communicates the Principles of Design of pattern, contrast, proportion, and movement, and incorporates dynamic positive and negative space.

Bio: I am a brave mother who loves to smile and is full of kindness and tenderness. I love marvelous oceans. When it is quiet and sweet, it is like a girl; when the waves are rough, it is like a fighter. Sometimes life is like this ocean, not only full of sweetness but also hardships along the way. I believe that as long as there are persistence, dreams, and love, everything can be overcome! I want to be a designer. I hope my design can give you a sweet hug, also give warmth to every corner of the world.

Course: ART101, 2D Design & Color Theory

Professor: Michelle Ramin


Student Name: Jared Strizver

Title of Piece: “Rosy Masquerade”

Medium: Magazine collage on paper

Dimensions: 6” x 7.5”

Artist Statement: This surreal collage was made by dissecting a multitude of magazines. I found the inspiration for it after discovering the main subject - the mask - in a program. The goal of this artwork is to showcase illogical proportion, and even if I did not achieve that I am still happy with it. And for those of you that are wondering, yes, the bird is from “The Hunger Games” books!

Bio: I am a current senior at River HomeLink in Battle Ground. Although I plan on following a career concerning the environment, I want to continue taking art classes at Clark after I graduate to improve my skills. To me, creativity is being able to think outside of the box and create an original artwork that I am proud of. I often find that I have no troubles in finding inspiration for a piece, but when it comes to transferring my visions onto the canvas I run into difficulties.

Course: ART101, 2D Design & Color Theory

Professor: Michelle Ramin


Student Name: Samantha Warn

Title of Piece: “Optical”

Medium: Pen on paper

Dimensions: 9” x 12”

Artist Statement: This work was created for a project that had to be made from 200+ lines. For my work, I wanted to focus on creating movement and the illusion of shape using only lines.

Bio: I am a student in the Graphic Design AFA program. My goals is to transfer to a four year graphic design program.

Course: ART101, 2D Design & Color Theory

Professor: Michelle Ramin




3D Design